Theory of adjudication

In 2012, I attended for the first time the Critical Legal Conference and - thanks to illuminating conversations with Jakub Łakomy - I started developing an interest in legal theory, and in particular legal interpretation. As a result, I started researching the impact of ideology on judicial decision-making on one hand, and the impact of adjudication on social antagonisms, i.e. the political. In 2018 I published a monograph (in Polish) on the critical theory of adjudication, which I succesfully presented as my habilitation book (Habilitationsschrift) at the University of Wrocław where in 2019 I was awared the Habilitation (Doctor habilitatus iuris degree). My version of the critical theory of adjudication draws largely on Anglo-American critical legal theory (Costas Douzinas & Duncan Kennedy, in particular), but also integrates Chantal Mouffe's political theory, as well as proposes an analytical dimension for the critical analysis of case-law. 

I. Theoretical framework

II. Empirical applications (case studies) 

III. Other papers on legal interpretation 

  •   ‘The Impact of EU Membership on Private Law Adjudication in Poland: A Case Study of the Polish Supreme Court’s Case Law on Unfair Terms in Consumer Contracts’ in Central European Judges under the European Influence: The Transformative Power of the EU Revisited, ed. Michal Bobek (Oxford: Hart Publishing, 2015): 73-97. ssrn | academia | researchgate

  • ‘Multilingualism, Divergent Authentic Versions of a Legal Rule and Legitimate Expectations of Individuals,’ Studies in Logic, Grammar & Rhetoric 45 (2016): 141-159. | sciendo | academia | researchgate

  •  ‘The Use of Extra-Legal Arguments in the Judicial Interpretation of European Contract Law: A Case Study on Aziz v Catalunyacaixa (CJEU, 14 March 2013, Case C-415/11),’ Law and Forensic Science 10.2 (2015): 7-26. academia | researchgate

  •   ‘Multilingualism at the Court of Justice of the European Union: Theoretical and Practical Aspects’ (with Olga Łachacz), Studies in Logic, Grammar and Rhetoric 34 (2013): 75-92. | sciendo | ssrn | academia

  •  ‘“War of Courts” as a Clash of Legal Cultures: Rethinking the Conflict Between the Polish Constitutional and Supreme Court Over “Interpretive Judgements”’ in Law, Politics, and the Constitution: New Perspectives from Legal and Political Theory, ed. Michael Hein, Antonia Geisler & Siri Hummel (Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang, 2014): 79-94. ssrn | academia | researchgate

  •  ‘Resistance towards the Unfair Terms Directive in Poland: the interaction between the consumer acquis and a post-socialist legal culture’ in European Consumer Protection: Theory and Practice, ed. James Devenney & Mel Kenny (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2012): 412-434. | ssrn | academia | researchgate

  •  ‘Homo iuvens przed Trybunałem: wyrok Leitner w perspektywie teorii i filozofii prawa’ [Homo Iuvens before the Court of Justice: the Leitner Judgment in the Light of Legal Theory and Philosophy of Law] in Prawne aspekty podróży i turystyki – historia i współczesność. Prace poświęcone pamięci Profesora Janusza Sondla [Legal Aspects of Travel and Tourism: History and Modern Times. Studies in Memory of Professor Janusz Sondel], ed. Piotr Cybula (Kraków: Wydawnictwo UJ, 2018). Open access