Private law

Unification, harmonisation, codification

  •  ‘European Private Law – In Pursuit of Unity’,  Warsaw University Law Review 2.1 (2002): 110-131. researchgate

  • 'The Unification of Private Law in Europe from the Perspective of Polish Legal Culture,’  Yearbook of Polish European Studies 11 (2008-2009): accessssrn

  •  ‘Unifikacja prawa prywatnego w Europie a społeczeństwo polskie’ [The Unification of Private Law in Europe and the Polish Society], Nowa Europa. Przegląd Natoliński 2 (2008): 35-84. ssrn

  • Prawo prywatne w Unii Europejskiej. Perspektywy na przyszłość [Private Law in the European Union: Perspectives for the Future] (Warszawa: PSPE UW, 2004), 121 pp. ISBN 83-918286-6-2. SSRN

  •  ‘Idea europejskiego kodeksu cywilnego w świetle zasady pomocniczości’ [The Idea of a European Civil Code in the Light of the Principle of Subsidiarity], Zeszyty Naukowe TBSP UJ 13 (2005): 165-177. ssrn

  • ‘Europejski kodeks cywilny – stan prac i perspektywy dalszego rozwoju’ [The European Civil Code: State of Play and Perspectives of Future Development], Studia Iuridica 43 (2004): 135-154. ssrn | academia | researchgate

  •  ‘Instytucje UE wobec idei europejskiego kodeksu prawa prywatnego’ [The Institutions of the EU and the Idea of a European Code of Private Law], Przegląd Prawa Europejskiego 2 (2004): 36-49. ssrn | researchgate

  •    ‘Kompetencje Unii Europejskiej w dziedzinie prawa prywatnego w ujęciu systemowym’ [Competences of the EU in Private Law in a Systemic Perspective], Kwartalnik Prawa Prywatnego 25.1 (2016): 37-80. academia | researchgate

Specific studies by area of private law

Contract law

  •    ‘The Impact of EU Membership on Private Law Adjudication in Poland: A Case Study of the Polish Supreme Court’s Case Law on Unfair Terms in Consumer Contracts’ in Central European Judges under the European Influence: The Transformative Power of the EU Revisited, ed. Michal Bobek (Oxford: Hart Publishing, 2015): 73-97. ssrn | academia | researchgate
  •  ‘Resistance towards the Unfair Terms Directive in Poland: the interaction between the consumer acquis and a post-socialist legal culture’ in European Consumer Protection: Theory and Practice, ed. James Devenney & Mel Kenny (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2012): 412-434. | ssrn | academia | researchgate 

  •    ‘The Institutional Implications of the Unfair Terms Directive in Poland’ in European Contract Law and the Welfare State, ed. Jacobien W. Rutgers (Groningen: Europa Law Publishers, 2012):143-169. ssrn | academia | researchgate

  •  ‘The Use of Extra-Legal Arguments in the Judicial Interpretation of European Contract Law: A Case Study on Aziz v Catalunyacaixa (CJEU, 14 March 2013, Case C-415/11),’ Law and Forensic Science 10.2 (2015): 7-26. academia | researchgate

  •    ‘Digitale Inhalte nach britischem Consumer Rights Act 2015 unter dem Eindruck des Brexit’ (with Piotr Tereszkiewicz) in Brexit und die juristischen Folgen, ed. Malte Kramme, Christian Baldus & Martin Schmidt-Kessel (Baden-Baden: Nomos, 2016).

General clauses 

  • ‘Quality of Legislation Following a Transition from Really Existing Socialism to Capitalism: A Case Study of General Clauses in Polish Private Law’ in The Quality of Legal Acts and its Importance in Contemporary Legal Space, ed. Jānis Rozenfelds et al. (Riga: University of Latvia Press, 2012): 540-561. open access | ssrn | academia | researchgate

Property law 

  •    ‘The Cooperative Member’s Proprietary Right to an Apartment: A Legal Survival ofthe Period of Actually Existing Socialism in Polish Private Law,’ Zeszyty Prawnicze 15.4 (2015): 131-160. academia | researchgate

  •  ‘Prawo użytkowania wieczystego jako pozostałość po epoce realnego socjalizmu – ujęcie socjologicznoprawne’ [The Right of Perpetual Usufruct as a Survival of the Period of Actually Existing Socialism – A Socio-Legal Approach], Zeszyty Prawnicze 17.1 (2017): 35-63. academia | researchgate

Civil procedure 

Private law & state socialism

  •  ‘“Demons of the Past”? Legal Survivals of the Socialist Legal Tradition in Contemporary Polish Private Law’ in Law and Critique in Central Europe: Questioning the Past, Resisting the Present, Rafał Mańko, Cosmin Sebastian Cercel & Adam Sulikowski (Oxford: Counterpress, 2016): 66-89. academia | researchgate

  •  ‘“We Do Not Recognise Anything »Private«”: Public Interest and Private Law Under the Socialist Legal Tradition and Beyond’ in Private Interest and Public Interest in European Legal Tradition, ed. Bronisław Sitek et al. (Olsztyn: WPiA UWM, 2015): 31-65. academia | researchgate

  • ‘Is the Socialist Legal Tradition “Dead and Buried”? The Continuity of Certain Elements of Socialist Legal Culture in Polish Civil Procedure’ in Private Law and the Many Cultures of Europe, ed. Thomas Wilhelmsson et al. (Alphen aan den Rijn: Kluwer Law International, 2007): 83-103. academia | researchgate